BG DOC® Diesel Oil Conditioner is designed to condition oil in high-output diesel engines.
Diesel engines operate at high temperatures and pressures. This puts a lot of demand on diesel engine oils and the additives they contain. Hydraulically activated fuel injectors increase oil pressures and emissions devices increase soot accumulation in oil. These systems test the limits of engine oil. Under the right conditions, heat causes sulfur from fuel to combine with entrained moisture to create sulfuric acid. This acid wreaks havoc on engines, causing corrosive wear and severe damage to engine components.
BG DOC® Diesel Oil Conditioner maintains like-new diesel engine power and performance, neutralizes acids and acid corrosion, reduces friction and wear on engine parts, stabilizes viscosity, and prevents sludge through increased oxidation control and soot scatter™ technology. BG DOC® is compatible with all diesel engine oils including synthetic and multi-grade.
BG EPR® Engine Performance Restoration® is a powerhouse of an engine cleaner! It effectively softens, emulsifies and dissolves even the most stubborn fuel gums that clog piston rings.
Engines are operating at higher temperatures than ever before. Combined with prolonged oil change intervals and reduced engine cooling, engine oil is under a lot of stress.
Continuous thermal and oxidative breakdown contributes to oil thickening, heat retention and deposit formation. These heavy deposits can impede normal piston-ring function; thus reducing fuel economy, lowering power output, and increasing harmful exhaust emissions and oil consumption.
BG EPR, PN 10932:
- softens and dissolves hard-to-remove deposits from piston rings
- cleans micro passageways to maintain the critical hydraulic function of components such as valve train actuators and turbochargers
- restores fuel economy and power
- prevents excessive oil loss
Properly sealed combustion chambers improve compression and reduce oil dilution through blow-by. BG EPR® is excellent for maintenance of Gasoline Direct Injection engines.